Monday 25 June 2012

Good Morning,

I've been spending our monday mornings for the past couple

months reading for a course I'm taking, it's called Perspectives.

There are a number of mission organizations that use it as a prep

course for missionaries on their way to the field. Anyways, while I

was reading this morning I came across a quote from one of the

articles that I'd like to share...

"Prayer and giving are obvious ways to support mission enterprise. But when people focus their lives on fulfilling the total global task [God's desire for all to know Him] and apply their experience and gifts in creative ways to seeing particular mission efforts advance, they make surprisingly SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTIONS.

...Another business leader is finding creative ways to offer his expertise at a distance. Another helps as a webmaster. Others make a strategically timed visits to help with education or just give missionaries a break."

I think a lot of people know missionaries or know of missionaries,

either as friends or through friends or through their church.

Missions is about sharing Jesus Christ and we have all a part to

play. As you can see through the article God wants you and I to be

creative in the ways we can be part of the team. It gives more

meaning to the verse "Where your treasure is, there your heart will

be also" Matt 6:21

Maybe ask someone you know, how you can participate or maybe

pray and ask God to show you a new way that you can find your


God Bless and I pray you all have a terrific monday!!!

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